Unlike the original series, the organization of Akatsuki, which played a minor role earlier, takes on the main antagonist factor in their attempts of world domination. All of Naruto's classmates have matured and improved in the ranks, some more than others.
Kakashi seems sooo weak and stupid… he used to have these huge fights and stuff, “konoha’s copy ninja” so feared and so on, with cool quick moves, and now he barely hands naruto saying hes so strong now blah blah blah and the fight has sum poor animation theres barely taijutso in it, come on! im a huuge naruto fan and belive me, untill now Shippuuden is just a bit above the fillers and way way way below the old series.
can’t u remember the chuunin exam? the last question , the huge fights, lee-gaara, the neji vs the spider guy who spitted kunais and so? now that was animation!
The fights used to be an attack by one guy, the other defends, a little storyline, then the first guy comes up with this huge attack and it all seems lost, but the second one comes from nowhere or so and gains all the momentum and seem all lost for the first guy!! but thats when.. it was like.. a bushin or so and the first guy uses his ultimate attack and so on and on and on :P
Now that would be a great fight :DDD!! not like those freakin fillers… a poor wimp with no parents and a bad guy-(wimp)u dont understand me!(naruto)i dont have parets too-wimp crys-bad guy comes-starts a fight-bushins-bushins die-omg hes strong-bushins-rasengan-the end
Thats how it goes for ALL fillers…
Now if u notice the kakashi fight for the bells… they talk more than they fight.. they have sum new cool moves but then its the same… rasengan (and he still cant make a rasengan without a bushin?? wtf???)… i mean, what i wanted in shippuuden was to naruto become faster, more powerfull and more mature (still beeing stupid lol). all characters say that hes more powerfull but i havent seen anything to assume that. actually, the kakashi-sasuke bells fight was way more interesting and animated…